Routing Throughput – Setup

In this article I will go through how to set up a test network to measure the speed from WAN to LAN as well as LAN to WAN. As shown below, one client is connected to the WAN, the other client is connected to the LAN port of the tested router/firewall, see diagram.

Change WAN Port IP Address

Login on the tested router/firewall and add a static WAN IP.
Note, you can either use the built-in DHCP server or assign a static LAN IP for the Lan Client (Jar Jar Binks)
Example below, for the WAN IP.

Put The LAN Client (Jar Jar Binks) In DMZ

In order to measure throughput from WAN to LAN as well as LAN to WAN, a Lan client (Jar Jar Binks) is set up on the WAN port and a client (Han Solo) on the LAN port, in addition, the LAN client is in the DMZ zone, on the tested router to allow traffic to pass between WAN to LAN and LAN to WAN unobstructed by the NAT firewall on the tested equipment.

In this example I have created a rule, which allow all traffic from the WAN side of the router to pass on the lan side.

Change WAN side Lan client (Han Solo) IP Address

In the TCP/IP Properties window, enter an IP address which are in the same range as the router WAN IP. This means the IP address is the same as you entered for the router WAN IP address.

In the example, I used, which is different from both the router WAN IP address and the Default Gateway setting. You should also enter the router WAN IP address as the default gateway

Ping the WAN/LAN side client

Remember to turn off all antivirus and firewall on both clients, etc. Windows Defender Firewall

As you can see we can ping both clients.


Test speed with jperf

When everything is set up, we are ready to test with jperf.
Below I have tested from Wan to lan client.

Lan client is setup as server

That’s all !

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